What Is Salafiyyah & What Does It Call To

The true Path in following Islâm and the Sunnah. A Salafi is one who follows the path of the Salaf As-Sâlih exactly without alteration. It is to adhere to the Qurʾân and Sunnah with the understanding of the Sahâbah (Companions of Prophet Muhammad ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم)

What is Salafiyyah

Listen to Abû Ismâʾîl Salik Ahmad giving a brief explanation on what Salafiyyah in a very simplified manner. Is Salafiyyah a sect? Is it a private group? Listen here to find out

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Q&A On Salafiyyah

Al-Allâmah Shaykh ʿUbayd b. ʿAbdullâh al-Jâbirî - ‏ May Allâh preserve him upon goodness - 5 Page PDF answering questions on Salafiyyah

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Principles of The Salafi Manhaj

Ustâdh Abû ʿIyâd Amjad Rafîq - Explaining the methodology of the pious predecessors in detail. With evidence from the Qurʾân and the Sunnah of the Messenger (ﷺ)

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I’m Salafi But I Don’t Listen To Salafî Callers

Ustâdh Abû ʿAbdillâh Hassan as-Somâlî - Gives advice to those who isolate themselves from their Salafi brothers and sisters

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Shaykh Fawzân - Explains The Hadîth on 73 Sects

Read this translated section from Shaykh Sâlih al Fawzân’s explanation of Al Barbahârî’s Sharh as Sunnah

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Leaflet: What is Salafiyyah & Who Are The Salafis?

PDF of a short leaflet on Salafiyyah

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