Things We Tend To Forget

  • When Does The Menstrual Period Begin and End?

    Shaykh Ibn Bâz’s Fatwa on when the woman’s period begins and ends and how she can identify these periods.

  • The ʿAwrah of A Woman In Front of A Woman

    Generally, sisters tend to think that they only have an ʿAwrah in front of men, and this is not the case. This short audio (6 Mins 46 Secs) explains what the ʿAwrah of a woman is in front of another woman.

  • The Evidence For The Prohibition of Free Mixing

    Shaykh ʿArafât al-Muhammadî (‏حفظه الله) brings the evidence from the Qurʾân & the Sunnah that prohibit free-mixing. The Shaykh also warns against sittings with brothers-in-law.

  • Advice Regarding Early Marriage, What to Look For & Questions to Ask

    Ustâdh Abû Khadeejah ʿAbdul-Wâhid (‏حفظه الله) gives advice with regards to marriage; when you should go about seeking marriage, and the kind of brother you should look out for!

  • Seeing the One You Intend to Marry & the Prohibition of Seclusion

    The danger of seclusion with the opposite gender, as well as what can be seen of the woman when seeking to marry her. Ustâdh also mentioned a situation of how seclusion brought a sister to the sin of fornication.

  • Advice on Sisters Becoming Medical Professionals

    Ustâdh spoke on how we have many female doctors in the Ummah. Additionally, he spoke about how university campuses are full of more than the education a child goes to seek at the University.

  • Advice To The Sisters Regarding Being Gentle

    Ustâdh Abû Khadeejah gives beautiful advice regarding being gentle amongst Ahlul-Sunnah and also those who aren’t even serious about the religion. Advice on how to treat those new to Sunnah. 8 Mins 7 Secs

  • The True Status of The Female In Islâm

    A write-up clarifying the true status of the Muslim Woman in a time where many of the Muslim Women are ignorant of their rights and their lofty status in the Deen of Allâh.

    6-Minute Read.

  • Rights of The Female In Islâm (1)

    The first right that Allâh has given you as a Muslim Woman, Ya Amatallâh, is the right to live. Indeed the people of old would bury their daughters alive, and see them as mere objects to be inherited. 3-Minute Read.

  • Rights of The Female In Islâm (2)

    Where do you seek your rights from Ya Amatallâh? Know, may Allâh grant you success, that Allâh had given Muslim Women their rights before the Westerners even considered the women to be human beings

  • Rights of the Female In Islâm (3)

    Some of the financial rights that Allâh (ﷻ) gave the Muslim Woman. From them; the right to work [under Halâl conditions] and possess their own money! And the right to inherit!

  • Rights of The Female In Islâm (4)

    In this article, Umm Julaybîb clarifies the stance of Islâm against The Feminism Movement. Additionally, she clarifies what a fallacy it is to seek to make two elements that are clearly unequal equal. Islâm preaches equity!

  • Rights of The Female In Islâm (5)

    This article highlights some of the obligations that are upon the Muslim Woman, which are often forgotten. Many times, we focus too much on what others have to do for us, that we forget we have roles to play too!