We all have to start somewhere!

Make the intent to practise your religion upon insight

What You Need To Know!

  • Where do I start?

    Join the Telegram Channel - Learn your religion from the basics’ with Articles, PDFs, Audios & Videos! May Allaah make the journey of knowledge easy for you!

  • What is the right path to follow?

    Ustaadh Abu Ismaaʾeel Saalik Ahmad - may Allaah preserve him upon goodness - clarifies: who the Salaf are, why we need their understanding (With evidences!!)

  • Who praised SPUBS?

    Why should I learn from SPUBS? Iʾve heard what so-and-so said on YouTube about them. Well, read what the Scholars of Sunnah have mentioned about them!

  • I heard that Shaykh Wasiullaah refuted Abu Khadeejah

    Ustaadh Anwar Wright - may Allaah preserve him - explains the issue at hand with statements from Shaykh Falah Mundakar. Listen to the people of Knowledge!

  • What is Minhaaj?

    Ustaadh Abu Suhailah ʿUmar Quinn - may Allaah preserve him - answers the question on the various meanings of Manhaj. Understand what is meant by “the Manhaj“. e.g. so-and-so has errors in Manhaj

  • What translation of The Qurʾaan is best to use?

    Shaykh Hassan b. ʿAbdul-Wahhaab al-Banna - may Allaah have mercy upon him - crarifies the best is Muhsin Khaan & Taqi-ud-Din al-Hilaali Translation

  • The Virtues of Knowledge & Its People

    Ustâdh Abû Ismâʾîl Mustafâ George explains the virtue of knowledge and its people, as well as where knowledge should be taken from

  • "O Son of Adam, If Your Sins Reached the Clouds..."

    Ustâdh Abû ʿAbdillâh Hassân as-Somali - Explains the Hadîth Qudsi, look at the mercy of Allâh!

  • The Qurʾân Channel

    A youtube channel which brings you beautiful recitations of the noble Qur'ân alongside with subtitles of the English translation

Start Your Journey

The time to start is now. The Messenger of Allâh (ﷺ) has taught us that seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim (both men and women). How do you expect to worship Allâh upon ignorance? Is worship sincere when you donʿt know who it is you worship?

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