Points on Manhaj [Methodology]

Understanding Manhaj (Methodology)

  • What Is Minhâj?

    Ustâdh Abû Suhailah ʿUmar Quinn [‏حفظه الله] - 4 Minutes 42 Seconds - Explaining the various meanings of Manhaj with Ahlul Sunnah (The People of Sunnah)

  • What Is The Difference Between ʿAqîdah & Manhaj?

    Shaykh Rabîʾ al-Madkhalî [‏حفظه الله] answers the question what is the difference between ʿAqîdah and Manhaj #ShortRead

  • The Manhaj of Ahlul Sunnah (The People of Sunnah)

    What distinguishes The People of Sunnah from those upon deviated methodologies? It is Manhaj - methodology! #ShortRead

Ustâdh Abû Khadeejah - ‏حفظه الله - Transmits sayings of the Scholars with regards to ʿAqîdah and Manhaj.

It is known that in modern times people like to spilt between ʿAqîdah and Manhaj, so it will be said 〝 So-and-so is Salafi in his ʿAqîdah, but he is Ikhwânî in Manhaj〞- Just as Ustâdh mentioned in the video:

A person who has deficiencies in the ʿAqîdah, then likewise his methodology will be corrupted

In short - The ʿAqîdah and Manhaj are ONE and THE SAME.

Principles, Advice & Questions and Answers on Manhaj (Methodology)

  • A Common Doubt ⬇

    “I find it very distasteful when we speak and warn against the other sects… we as Muslims should all come together under the banner of the Shahâdah.”

  • Why Are We Warning Against Individuals⬇

    “The Imâms in the past had respect for each other’s views and never used to warn or criticise each other. Where and when did the Sahâbah or the Prophet (ﷺ) warn against individuals?”

  • Salafis Blindly Follow Scholars ⬇

    Why do the Salafīs say that it’s impermissible to blindly follow the Great Imāms, yet they blindly follow the scholars such as Ibn Bāz, Ibn Uthaymīn, Al-Albānī, and others of their like?

  • Knowledge From Unknown Individuals ⬇

    Does A Person Have To Be Known, To Take Knowledge From Him - Answered by Ustâdh Abû ʿAbdirRahmân Uways At-Tawîl

  • Translations of The Qurʾân ⬇

    Be Careful of Wrong Translations of The Qurʾân. The best translation of The Qurʾân is that of Dr. Muḥsin Khân & Sh. Taqî-ud-Dîn al–Hilâlî (The Noble Qurʾān). This is the English translation the Scholars of Sunnah advise with.

  • The People of Sunnah & Protests ⬇

    Muslims are oppressed all over the world in places like Palestine, Kashmir, Syria and elsewhere in the Muslim world. We find that the Salafîs never support the call to protest against this oppression, nor do they call for the boycott of produce from these countries. Please can you explain why the Salafîs never stand up for justice against these oppressions?

  • Ahlul Sunnah & Ahlul Bidʾah ⬇

    The warning of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamâʾah from associating and mixing with the People of Desires and Ahlul-Bidʾah ―Shaikh Rabîʾ bin Hâdî Al-Madkhalî

  • Ahlul Bidʾah Online ⬇

    Beware of following Ahlul-Ahwā on Social Media, reposting from them, reading their articles, listening to them and watching their videos.

  • Q & A On Manhaj ⬇

    A 16 Page PDF with Questions and Answers on the Manhaj of the Salaf. Answered by Shaykh ʿUbayd al-Jâbirî - May Allâh preserve him upon goodness

  • Salafis Kick People Off The Manhaj ⬇

    Listen to Ustâdh Hassan as-Somâlî refute the doubt, explain when a person does leave the realms of Ahlul Sunnah and explain why people tend to think the Salafis kick people out of the Manhaj.

  • Advicing In Private ⬇

    Shaykh al Albânî explains that it is not a condition of advising and correcting a mistake, that advice must be in private

  • Accompanying Innovators ⬇

    What may happen to a person who accompanies the ardent worshipper who happens to be a person of innovation? Should he accompany him? Is this from the Manhaj of the Salaf? Or is he secure since he is an intelligent person who can always tell the truth from falsehood?

  • Speaking About Innovators ⬇

    Al-Allâmah Shaykh Ibn ʿUthaymîn (رحمة الله عليه) responds to the question: “Is Speaking About The People of Innovation Considered Backbiting?“

Learn The Manhaj (Methodology) of Ahlul Sunnah (The People of Sunnah)

  • Usûl As Sunnah

    of Imâm Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (رحمة الله عليه رحمة واسعة), the Imâm of Ahlul-Sunnah. The text covers the Creed and Methodology of the People of Ḥadîth and Sunnah.

  • ʿAqîdat-ur-Raziyayn

    of the two Râzi’s - Abû Hâtim and Abû Zurʿah on the belief of Ahlus-Sunnah in the foundations of the religion―and what the two of them found the scholars to be upon in all the various lands. Translated Text

  • Sharh as-Sunnah

    of Imâm al-Barbahârî (رحمة الله عليه رحمة واسعة). Clarifying the creed and methodology of Ahlul Sunnah. For selected beneficial points and explanations of the text click here