Youth Home Page

As A Young Muslim, Where Do I Begin?

  • Where Do I Start?

    [Telegram Channel] - Covering topics like Tawheed, where and how to seek knowledge of the religion, how to dress and more!

  • Advice To The Young Salafî

    [Write-Up] - Advice to younger brothers and sisters who are striving to implement the Sunnah of Allâh’s Messenger (ﷺ).

  • Advice To The Youth

    [Video] - Advice from an an older brother, our teacher Abû Muhammad al-Maghribi to his younger brothers and sisters. [1 Hr 1 Min]

  • Brotherhood/Sisterhood In Islâm

    [Video] - Short yet extremely beneficial reminder by Shaykh Sâlih al-Fawzân read by Shaykh Abû Muhammad al-Maghribi on brotherhood [35 Mins 37 Secs]

  • How Do I Hold Firm To My Deen Today?

    [Video] - Short advice from our teacher Ustâdh Abû ʿAbdillâh Hassan as-Somâlî on how to remain steadfast despite all the fitnah around in our generation.

  • Islâm Is Easy

    [Video] - A great starting point is to understand that Islâm is easy, and you can be a practicing Muslim and still have a “fun life“ - in fact life is more fun as a practicing Muslim

Important Items For The Youth

Shaykh Sâlih al-Fawzân [‏حفظه الله] mention:

The youth of a nation are the foundation upon which the nation is made to stand firm and they are the successive generation that will shoulder the responsibilities after their fathers. They possess physical strength and they possess new skills which is not possessed by the elders. The elders possess wisdom and experience and the youth possess strength and vigour. Therefore, if the youth and the elders co-operate for the advancement of the nation, a lot of good will result from that.

[Taken From a Booklet Titled: Tawjeehaat Muhimmah Li-Shabaabil Ummah] Translated by Salafi Centre of Manchester