Beginning Student’s Starter Pack

At The Beginning Of Your Journey

  • A Guide To Studying ʿAqeedah

    Ustaadh Abu Khadeejah ʿAbdulWaahid Alam - May Allaah preserve him - speaks on the Importance of learning ʿAqeedah and the Methodology of Studying it

  • A Guide To Studying Tafseer

    Ustaadh Abu Muʾaadh Taqweem Aslam - May Allaah preserve him - speaks on the importance of Tafseer and the Methodology of Studying it

  • A Guide To Studying Fiqh

    Ustaadh Abu Hakeem Bilaal Davis - May Allaah preserve him - speaks on Fiqh: its importance and the Methodology of Studying It

Narrated Muawiya:

I heard Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) saying, "If Allah wants to do good to a person, He makes him comprehend the religion. (Bukhaari 71)

  • The Conditions of The Shahaadah

    Learn and understand the pillar your whole religion depends upon. Download the workbook here

  • The Seerah (Biography) of The Prophet (ﷺ)

    From the questions YOU will be asked in your grave is ‘who was your messenger’. So learn about him

  • Nullifiers of Islâm

    Learn about the issues that take a person out of the fold of Islaam. We learn these issues so we don’t fall into them. If you don’t know them how can you avoid them?

  • 4 Fundamental Principles

    Learn the four fundamental principles regarding Shirk. The greatest oppression in this world is to ascribe partners with Allaah! Download the workbook here!

  • Foundations of Sunnah

    The Foundations of Sunnah (i.e. Islaam) of Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbali - may Allaah have mercy upon him - The Arabic Text English Translation

  • 3 Fundamental Principles

    Learn the answers to the three questions you will be asked in each of us will be asked in our graves. Download the workbook

  • The Life of The Prophet (ﷺ) in Years

    5 Lessons summarising the life of the noblest of mankind Muhammad b. ʿAbdillâh; The Messenger of Allâh

The Advice of Shaykh Sâlih al-Fawzân [‏حفظه الله] To The Student of Knowledge

The Shaykh [‏حفظه الله] reminds us of the virtue of seeking knowledge, and how there is proof of this in the Book of Allâh and the Sunnah. He also reminded us that we need to seek knowledge to know how to practise our religion correctly.

The student at the very minimum must have knowledge of the 5 Pillars of Islâm in detail - in order to properly establish the religion.

And Allâh’s help is sought.

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