Revertʾs Corner

Where do I start?

  • How To Perform The Prayer

    Prayer is the second pillar of Islâm. It is an obligation upon every Muslim that has reached the age of puberty - 5 times daily. Note: the prayer of the men and the women is the same! As the Messenger (ﷺ) mentioned “pray as you have seen me pray“

  • A Comprehensive Guide For The New Muslim

    Our brother and teacher Anwar Wright goes through important topics the new Muslim must be aware of. Listen to one of these lessons each day for 1 month and you’ll have laid a great foundation

  • How To Perform Wudûʾ

    Wudûʾ is a prerequisite of the prayer, meaning being in a state of ritual purity is a must before the prayer can be correctly established. It is important you take time to watch the video and perform the various steps for practice.

  • Transliteration of The Qurʾân

    You may not be able to read Arabic now, but this will help guide you on how to pronounce the verses in the Qurʾân

Little Bits Revert’s Guides

  • A Little Bit On Tawhîd

    Tawhîd is the basis of the Islâmic Faith. It is a must that every Muslim has a deep understanding of it, but here is a mini guide introducing you to the basics of Tawhîd

  • A Little Bit On The Messenger, Muhammad (ﷺ)

    Know the Messenger who was sent to this Ummah to teach the Muslims how to correctly worship Allâh

Learn About The Messenger; Muḥammad (ﷺ)

  • Introduction: The Life of The Prophet in Years

    The early years of the Messenger (ﷺ). In this lesson, the teacher; brother Bilâl (Abû Hakeem) goes through the years in the life of the Messenger before prophethood from age 4 to 40.

  • Looking Into Years 1 - 4 After He (ﷺ) Became A Prophet

    Looking into the beginning stages of the prophethood. The point that the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) was made a proper, and when he was made a messenger of Allâh. The Daʾwah As-Sirriyyah ( Secret Calling to Islâm ).

  • Looking Into The 4th and 5th Year; The Start of The Public Daʾwah

    This lesson looks at the various offers of the Quraysh [The Makkans] to Allâh’s Messenger (ﷺ) in order to convince him to stop his Daʾwah. Also, the lesson gives some detail on the first migration of the Muslims to Abyssinia.

  • Looking Into Year 5 Up Until Year 10 of Prophethood

    This lesson shows focused on some of the incidents that occurred between the Messenger of Allâh (ﷺ) and the Quraysh [The Makkans]. Additionally, in this lesson, we see some of the miracles Allâh sent His Prophet with.

  • Looking Into Year 10 - Year 13 of Prophethood; The Latter Years In Makkah

    This lesson looks at the ascension and night journey of Allâh’s Messenger (ﷺ), and the latter years of the Daʾwah in Makkah before the Hijrah [Migration] of Allâh’s Messenger from Makkah to Al-Madînah.

Fundamental Beliefs of A Muslim

  • Introduction

    Abû ʿÂ’ishah Shamsî [‏حفظه الله] reads the introduction of Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzân [‏حفظه الله]’s short yet comprehensive book on creed.

  • Names of the "Saved Sect" and Their Meaning

    Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzân [‏حفظه الله] explains how to be safe and free from deviation; as well as the “saved sect“.

  • Belief In Allâh

    In this 10 Minutes and 40 Seconds video, Shaykh Fawzān’s book speaks on the correct way for Muslims to believe in Allâh.

  • Belief In The Angels

    In this 5 Minutes and 10 Seconds video, Shaykh Fawzān’s book speaks on the correct way for Muslims to believe in the Angels.

  • Belief In The Books

    In this 10 Minutes and 53 Seconds long video, Shaykh Fawzān’s book speaks on the correct way for Muslims to believe in the Angels.

  • Belief In The Messengers

    In this 9 Minutes and 56 Seconds video, Shaykh Fawzân’s book speaks on the correct way for Muslims to believe in the Messengers.

  • Belief In The Last Day

    In this 14 Minutes and 15 Seconds video, Shaykh Fawzān’s book speaks on the correct way for Muslims to believe in the Last Day.

  • Belief In Pre-Decree

    In this 7 Minutes and 38 Seconds video, Shaykh Fawzân’s book speaks on the correct way for Muslims to believe in Qadr [Pre-Decree].

  • Belief Regarding Êmân [True Faith]

    In this 5 Minutes and 18 Seconds video, Shaykh Fawzân’s book speaks on the correct way for Muslims to believe in the Êmân.

Beware Of …

  • Excommunicating Muslims From Islâm

    The belief of Ahlul-Sunnah [The People of Sunnah] regarding Takfîr. Should you do it?

  • Disobeying The Muslim Rulers

    The belief of Ahlul-Sunnah [The People of Sunnah] regarding obedience to the Muslim rulers/leaders.

  • Speaking Badly About The Companions

    The belief of Ahlul-Sunnah [ The People of Sunnah] regarding the companions of Rasûl Allâh (ﷺ).

  • Not Loving The Family of Rasûl-Allâh (ﷺ)

    The belief of Ahlul-Sunnah [The People of Sunnah] regarding Ahlul-Bayt [The Family of Rasûl-Allâh ﷺ]

  • Not Believing In The Miracles of The Awliyâ

    The belief of Ahlul-Sunnah [The People of Sunnah] regardings the Awliyâ, and their miracles given by Allâh.

  • Not Following The Qurʾân & Sunnah

    The belief of Ahlul-Sunnah [The People of Sunnah] regarding following the Qurʾân & Sunnah.