The Hearts With Regard To Knowledge
Al-ʿAllāmah Al-Wālid Ṣāliḥ Al-Fawzān - حفظه الله - clarifies the various types of hearts with regard to knowledge.
Ask The People of Knowledge - Shaykh Ibn Bāz
So ask (you, O pagans of Makkah) of those who know the Scripture [learned men of the Taurât (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)], if you know not.
From The Dangers of Having Knowledge Without Acting Upon It…
A great admonition from Al-Ḥāfiẓ Ibn Rajab Al-Ḥanbalī on the subject of having knowledge, yet not acting upon it.
We Must Know! (i.e. Learn)
A person must know how to act, how to speak, how to write, how to give Daʾwah (propagate the call of Islām), how to spread this Daʾwah (the call to Islām and Sunnah as the Ṣaḥābah understood them), how to confront opponents and in what manner (one should do so). Such as wisdom, patience, kindness, and others. The fundamental methodology in this Daʾwah (i.e. The Daʾwah of Salafiyyah) is wisdom, good preaching, and debate in a way that is best when engaging (with others) from the beginning.
Don’t Leave The Gatherings of Knowledge
Verily a man will leave his house and he had sins like Mount Tihāmah. And if he listens to knowledge, he fears Allāh, returns home and repents. So he went back to his home, and there is no sin on him. So do not leave the gathering of knowledge!