How To Perform Ghusl From Menstruation & Janãbah


In her last message, she asks with regards to how to purify the body after menstruation and from Janãbah (sexual impurity) with the usage of technological advancements like the shower, tap water and other than it likes.

Answer - Shaykh ʿAbdul-ʿAzîz b. Bãz:

Firstly: A person purifies himself. The female purifies herself after menstruation and postpartum bleeding and the male and female purify themselves from Janãbah (sexual impurity) and washes off what is around the private part from remnants either of blood, pre-ejaculation, remnants after orgasm and other than its likes.

The individual washes off any remnant in that area and also any remnants of urine. After that, the person observes ablution as is done for Salah (prayer) be it; the menstruating woman, the one in postpartum bleeding, and the one in a state of Janãbah. He observes Wudû' (ablution) as done for the Salah then after that pours water over the head three times, then over the right side of the body, then the left side after that completes the Ghusl (ritual bath). This is the Sunnah practice.

And this is what is best. If he pours water over his whole body once this suffices him, be it that (Ghusl) of Janabah or of Hayd (the one menstruating), but the comprehensive way is as we described earlier; that after Istinjã (purity with water after freeing oneself from the two passageways) he observes Wudû' as for Salah, pours water over the head three times, then washes the right side of the body then the left side, and then completes by washing the whole body. This is the best and this is the complete way.

And for the female, if she was to be menstruating, it is recommended for her to place Sidr in her water. This is the best regarding the purification of the menstruating one and the one in postpartum bleeding. But for the one is a state of Janãbah then no, there's no need for the usage of Sidr nor other than it, but the water suffices. Be it the washing is done under the tap water or under the shower, or that of the bath container or lake all this is permissible. All praises due to Allãh.


May Allãh bless you, and reward you with good.

Translated by AMMAN CIRCLE Editorial.
1/ Jumada Al-Ulã/ 1444 هـ
24/ Nov/ 2022.

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