Ruling On Women Dancing At Weddings


What is the ruling of women dancing amongst themselves during a wedding or other than that? May Allaah reward you.


There is no harm in the dancing of women on the occasion of marriage and the beating of the duff (a simple drum) along with some singing of virtuous songs (not containing sinful speech) - because this is from the announcement of the marriage that has been commanded by the sharee'ah - However with the condition that this is done in the company of women only, with voices that are not raised so that they pass outside of the venue, and with the condition that there is complete seclusion and screening. Also that the awrah (the areas of the body that should be concealed) are not revealed whilst dancing, such as her legs, or her arms or her upper arms - and that which is shown from these is in accordance with the customs/habits of the Muslim women in the presence of (other) women.

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan

"Al-Muntaqaa", ash-Shaykh al-Allaamah al-Fawzaan, 2/172,172.

Translated by Ustâdh Abu Khadeejah


The Ruling on a Menstruating Woman Entering a Building attached to the Mosque


Shaking Hands (And Other Physical Interactions) With Non-Mahâhirm (Mahrams)