It Is A Must That You Learn These Matters In Detail

Shaykh Abu Ishãq Zuhayr Al-Hilãly Al-Marzûqy - ‏حفظه الله.

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It is obligatory upon us oh beloved ones to learn Tawhîd to its highest extreme of detail, and also to learn Shirk (polytheism) in that same manner (i.e. at its highest level of detail).

Yes! To learn Shirk comprehensively so as not to fall prey to committing Shirk. For whosoever doesn't have a comprehensive understanding of Shirk, Bid'ah (innovations in the religion) and sins, the more likely he is to fall prey to it unknowingly. As derived from the saying of the poet:

I knew what is evil not for the goal of indulging in it but for caution so as not to fall prey. And whosoever doesn't know the evil from goodness, he falls prey to it.

Allãh's aid is sought!

I ask Allãh, the Most Exalted, to safeguard for us our Tawhîd and to increase us in a wide scope of its understanding; and to protect us from Shirk, its people and to broaden our in-depth understanding of Shirk so as not to fall prey.

From the lecture:

From The Foremost Advice of Luqmãn-ul-Hakeem To His Son.


Lesson 5 - The Three Fundamental Principles


Lesson 4 - The Three Fundamental Principles