The Importance of Tawhîd

Al-Imâm Ibn al-Qayyim (رحمة الله عليه رحمة واسعة) said:

"For indeed; every Âyah (verse) in the Qurʾân – then it comprises of Tawheed, as an attestation of it – a caller to it. Indeed; the Qur’aan is:

Either information (news) regarding Allâh, and of His Names and His Attributes and His Actions, so it is: the Tawheed of knowledge and that which is informative (regarding Him) (at-Tawheed al-'Ilmee al-Khabaree).

Or it is a call to worship Him alone – and not attributing any partners to Him, as well as to reject everything that is worshipped besides Him. So it is Tawhîd of intention and pursuant action (at-Tawheed al-Iraadee at-Talabee).

Or it is command and prohibition, and a requisite of having obedience to Him in His prohibitions and His commands. So it is the rights of Tawhîd and a completion of it.

Or it is information regarding the dignified esteem of the people of His Tawheed – and obedience to Him; and that which occurred with them in the life of this world – as well as that which they will be ennobled with in the Hereafter. So it is the reward of having Tawheed with regard to Him.

Or it is information regarding the people of Shirk and that which occurred with them in the life of this world by way of exemplary punishment, as well as that which will descend upon them in the retribution by way of punishment (in the Hereafter). So it is information concerning the one that exited from the ruling of Tawhîd.

Hence; the Qurʾân – all of it is in relation to Tawhîd and of its rights and its reward, as well as of the affair of Shirk; and its people; and their recompense."

- Madaarij as-Saalikeen (3/450) | Translated by Abû Hâtim Mohammed Fârûq (‏حفظه الله).

Lesson 8 - The Three Fundamental Principles


Lesson 7 - The Three Fundamental Principles