The Importance of Tawhîd & Its Virtues

Brother. Luqmân Abû Kawthar - 1 Hour 24 Minutes - Live Lecture

Points Covered In The Lecture:

  1. What is Tawhîd

  2. Allâh created the creation due to Tawhîd

  3. Tawhîd is what differentiates the believer from the disbeliever

  4. Tawhîd is the first thing the Prophets and Messengers called to

  5. The Messengers were sent, and the Books were revealed for the purpose of Tawhîd

  6. Whoever perfects his or her Tawhîd will enter Jannah without accountability

  7. Whoever dies as a Muwahhid will not spend eternity in the Hellfire, even if he or she has sins and mistakes

  8. Tawhîd brings about security and provision

  9. Fighting in the way of Allâh was legislated due to Tawhîd

    Not by way of terrorism,rather Islâm is strongly against terrorism. Read more on this here

  10. Tawhîd is the cause of establishment on earth


Lesson 1 - The Three Fundamental Principles


The Obligation of Tawheed