
The Foundations of Worship Are Six || Shaykh Abu Khadeejah ʿAbdulWãhid Alam - ‏حفظه الله.

The foundations of worship are six; it is Tawqifiyyah, it is done for Allāh alone, the example in our worship is the Messenger (ﷺ), worship is limited by the prescribed numbers and times, worship is established upon love, humility, fear and hope, worship comes to an end only when life comes to an end.


It Is A Must That You Learn These Matters In Detail | Shaykh Abu Ishãq Zuhayr Al-Marzûqi- ‏حفظه الله


Islãm Came To Preserve Five Things || Abû-l-ʿAbbãs At-Tãwusy [‏حفظه الله]