
The Importance of Tawhîd & Its Virtues | Abû Kawthar Luqmān

Tawḥīd is the foundation of the religion. Allāh, The Mighty and Majestic, created Jinn and Humans only to worship Him [See Sūrah Adh-Dhāriyāt, Āyah 56]. Likewise, the Messengers and Books were sent to teach us how to establish the Tawḥīd of Allāh [See Sūrah An-Naḥl, Āyah 36]. Therefore, it is important for us to learn the importance of establishing Tawḥīd, as well as how to correctly establish it.


Tawhîd Is The Foundation of Islãm || Ustãdh Rayaan Barker


What Is Islãm? || Ustãdh Dawûd Burbank - رحمه الله