The Ruling Regarding Taking Knowledge From A Student of Knowledge Who Defends His Shaykh Who Has Observations From Well-Established Scholars - Shaykh Zayd b. Muhammad Al-Madkhalî


May Allãh treat you well. The questioner says:

Is knowledge to be taken from a Student of Knowledge who defends his Shaykh who has observations from well-established Scholars?

Al-ʿAllãmah Zayd b. Muhammad Al-Madkhalî - رحمه الله:

Knowledge is not to be taken from the one who defends falsehood.  Knowledge is not taken from those who defend the people of heresy and the people of misguidance in defence of falsehood.  But rather, knowledge is only taken from the people of truth and justice, whose aim is the truth, spreading the truth and supporting the truth.  As for the defenders of falsehood, knowledge is not taken from them.  And there is not any sort of dignity for them.

Translated by AMMAN CIRCLE Editorial.

20/ / Jumada Al-Ulã / 1444 هــ



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