Beware of The Innovations In Shaʾbân - Shaykh Khâlid Adh-Dhafîrî

Shaykh Khâlid Adh-Dhafîrî (‏حفظه الله):


It (Shaʾbān) is a month that people neglect. Likewise, from the innovation some Muslims do is sending messages through Social Media, and that is that prior to the middle of the month of Shaʾbân, (and) the slogan is "forgiveness", or "forgive me and I forgive you", and this act was not taught by any of the People of Knowledge and Scholars of Islâm, and it is not known by the Salaf (Predecessors).

Rather, it was taught by those whom Allâh did not make a reference for people in His Religion and His Legislation. And they were not known for their knowledge and understanding of religion. So it is not appropriate for a Muslim to follow them and act upon what they wanted and directed.

Beware, oh servants of Allâh, of Bidʾah (religious innovations) and invented matters, and make your worship to your Lord with knowledge, guidance and insight based on the evidence established in the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allâh (ﷺ). Whatsoever was not part of the religion to them (i.e. The Salaf) will never be religion to us, and if it was beneficial they would have preceded us in it.

Translated by AMMAN CIRCLE Editorial.

15/ Sha'bân/ 1444 هـ

7/ March/ 2023.


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