The Salaf Are Ahlul-Sunnah!

Ash-Shaykh ʿAbdul-ʿAzîz b. Bãz (رحمه الله)



His Eminence Shaykh! This is a questioner via the program asking: Is there a difference between our saying: " This is the saying of the salaf or this is the saying of Ahlus Sunnah"?

Answer By Shaykh ʿAbdul-ʿAzîz b. Bãz:

The meaning is the same. The Salaf are the people of the Sunnah and they are The Sahabah (may Allãh be pleased with them), and those who followed them upon goodness.

It is attributed to them the term: As-Salaf As-Sãlih (the rightly guided predecessors) and it is said to them: Ahlul-Sunnah wal Jamã'ah. If he intends that, there's nothing wrong.

The term points to the same thing; Ahlul-Sunnah wal Jamã'ah, As-Salaf As-Sãlih. And its intended meaning to Ahlul-Sunnah (The People of The Sunnah) points to The Companions of The Prophet (ﷺ) and those who followed them upon goodness in ʿAqîdah (creed - i.e. firm belief), sayings and actions.



May Allãh reward you.

Translated by AMMAN CIRCLE Editorial.

When Is Someone Considered A Person of Sunnah?


The Manhaj of Ahlul Sunnati wa-l-Jamaʾah.