When Is Someone Considered A Person of Sunnah?

Shaykh ʿUbayd b. ʿAbdillâh Al-Jâbirî - رحمة الله عليه :



Because Ahl-us-Sunnah (The People of The Sunnah) have a principle (a rule), which is that a man is not a considered a follower of the Sunnah until he leaves all Bidʾah (religious innovation), and acknowledges all of the Sunnah.

As long as he has one innovation and he knows that it is an innovation, then he is a misguided innovator. And nothing of the Sunnah will be considered from him as far as the Scholars of Sunnah are concerned.

So be aware of this o listeners, and attendees, from the Muslim brothers and Muslim sisters. Retain this and retain the rules of the Salaf (Predecessors).

Translated by AMMAN CIRCLE Editorial.

8/ Sha'bân/1444 هـ

1/ March/2023.


Be Grateful For Islâm (Card)


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