The Ruling on Gathering To Send Ṣalawāt on The Messenger With Raised Voices


Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azīz b. ʿAbdillāh b. Bāz - رحمه الله - Mentioned:

As for gathering for (the purpose of) sending Ṣalawāt (salutations) upon the Prophet (may Allāh praise him and mention his high status to the angels) in unison (a form of chanting) or raising of the voice out loud, this is an innovation. And what is legislated for the Muslims is to send Ṣalawāt (salutations) upon the Prophet (may Allāh praise him and mention his high status to the angels) without raising the voice loudly in a strange and displeasing manner, and without it being in unison.

Each individual should make his Ṣalawāt (salutations) alone within his own self.

He says :

اللهم صل على رسول الله

[Allāhumma ṣallī A‘lá Rasūli-llāh (O Allāh send salutations upon the Prophet)]

للهم صل وسلم على رسول الله

[Allāhumma ṣallī wa sallim A‘lá Rasūli-llāh (O Allāh, send salutations and peace upon the Prophet)]

…اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آل محمد

[Allāhumma ṣallī A‘lá Muḥammad wa A‘lá Āli Muḥammad (O Allāh, send salutations upon (Prophet) Muḥammad, and upon the household of Muḥammad)] till its end.

He makes the Ṣalawāt (salutations) within his own self; because on the day of Jumuʾah (Friday) sending much Ṣalawāt (salutations) upon the Prophet (may Allāh praise him and mention his high status to the angels) is legislated for indeed he (i.e. Prophet Muḥammad) commanded this upon himself peace and blessings be upon him.

He (may Allāh praise him and mention his high status to the angels) said;

“The best of your days is Friday. So increase in sending salutations upon me on this day, for your salutations will be presented to me." They said: "O Messenger of Allāh, how will our Ṣalāh (i.e. our prayers for you) be presented to you when you have decomposed (after death)?" He said: "Allāh has forbidden the earth to consume the bodies of the Prophets, (peace be upon them)."

Translated by AMMAN CIRCLE Editorials.

Excerpt Translated From The Website of The Shaykh


The Ruling On Reciting The Qur’ān In Unison - Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azīz b. Bāz


Beware of The Innovations In Shaʾbân - Shaykh Khâlid Adh-Dhafîrî