The Ruling On Reciting The Qur’ān In Unison - Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azīz b. Bāz


What is the Islāmic view on reciting the Qur’ān in unison after the morning (Fajr) and sunset (Maghrib) prayers, since some of the brothers told us that it is an innovation? Benefit us, may Allāh help you.

Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azīz b. ‘Abdillāh b. Bāz:

Reciting the Noble Qur’ān is from the acts of worship which Allāh legislated for His servants, and His Messenger (i.e. Prophet Muhammad), may Allāh praise him and mention his high status to the angels, explained it. And he (i.e. the Prophet), may Allāh praise him and mention his high status to the angels, used to recite the Qur’ān while his companions were listening so that they could benefit from what he, may Allāh praise him and mention his high status to the angels, tells them and preaches to them (peace and blessings be upon him). Perhaps he ordered some of his companions to recite the Qur’ān, and he would listen (to their recitation), may Allāh praise him and mention his high status to the angels. And it was not from his Sunnah (Tradition), nor from the Sunnah of his companions and their way to recite the Qur'ān together in unison. This was not from their Sunnah (Tradition). And this was not from what he did, may Allāh praise him and mention his high status to the angels. Those who said it was an innovation were correct, because it has no any basis.

However, the scholars mentioned that with small children, and those learning (the Qur'ān), for the purpose of teaching until all of their tongues are upright, for the purpose of teaching he is exempt (from the ruling of reciting in unison). With children who learn in schools, if you see the teacher reciting in unison (with the children) to straighten their voices, and until the voices of the small children are corrected. For the purpose of learning, we hope that there is no harm in it, because of the care it involves in teaching and the concern for the uprightness of the voice and good pronunciation. And he, may Allāh praise him and mention his high status to the angels, had said: “Whoever does an action that is not from our affair will have it rejected (Narrated by Muslim)". So, my advice is to not do that (meaning: you should not recite the Qur'ān in unison).

Source: The Website of The Shaykh - Raḥimahu-llāh

Translated by AMMAN CIRCLE Editorials.


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