It Will Just Be You And Your Deeds

Al-ʿAllāmah Shaykh Ṣāliḥ b. Fawzān Al-Fawzān (‏حفظه الله) Mentioned:

You don‛t have anything in the Hereafter other than your deeds, and no one will give you his righteous deeds even if he was from the closest of the people to you. Your relatives will not benefit you on The Day of Judgment.

TN: Your relatives will not benefit you on The Day of Judgement unless you used to enjoin one another in good and forbid one another from evil sincerely for Allāh's sake in the Dunyā (the life of this world).

Sharḥ Ad-Dalā'il pg. 193

Translated by AMMAN CIRCLE Editorial


Who Is The Fasting Person?


The Ruling On One Who Fasts Ramadān But Doesn't Pray